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A multisectorial and multidisciplinary service.

A collaborative approach, focuses on the management of violence against women, children and spouses.


The service is delivered in a one stop centre where all the service provider converge to provide a client focus, client centered service and gender sensitized principle


All services are under one roof, a client will be provided privacy and examine by medical doctors and received an emergency, emotional and preventive treatment, a police report can be made in OSCC room and a police officer will be assign to handle medico-legal. 


For cases that need a shelter, a temporary shelter will be provided.


After the immediate care, a reference and follow up to the relevance clinic, welfare, counselling and legal aid will be made.  

Support & Counseling

Provided by counselor or NGOs



Legal Aid

Legal service assistance

  • Legal protection provided by PDRM     (Polis Di Raja Malaysia)

  • A police officer will be assign to handling the legal aspect.

Reading Material
OSCC Brochure
Sabah Woman Organization
Domestic violence
Child Abuse
Sexual harrasment
Women's act


  • Emergency

  • Obstetric&Gynecology

  • Pediatric

  • Psychiatric

  • Forensic

  • Surgery


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